• Media

    • 20/09/2022

    AMAVI Co-Leads €6.7M Round in Heimkapital

    • Couch
      • We are thrilled to announce our 9th investment: Heimkapital 🇩🇪 ! 

      • Heimkapital is a German tech-based Real Estate platform targeted at asset-rich but cash-poor seniors. Heimkapital enables flexible co-ownership models which let seniors tap into their home equity and use the proceeds to solve their current or future financial needs. Homeowners can sell up to 50% of their property to Heimkapital for an immediate pay-out while retaining the privilege to live in their home.

        Home equity releases are particularly attractive for expensive energy renovations, which eventually benefit:

        • the homeowner, who can lower her/his energy bills;
        • Heimkapital, who reaches higher exit values;
        • our society, that needs to work towards net-zero energy of the current building stock by 2050.

        "Home equity releases are a great solution for homeowners to finance expensive energy renovations", says Frédéric Van den Weghe.

        "With the investment in Heimkapital, AMAVI now enters Germany, the largest real estate market in Europe", says Arne Allewaert.

        Heimkapital's tech solution can be white-labelled, which is particularly interesting for credit institutions that want to offer more services, especially to long-term clients (seniors).

        Exciting partners and geographies

        AMAVI co-leads the Series A investment round together with Volksbank and IVC. The existing investors Yabeo, the Unger Family Office and several business angels support the round. On 14 January this year, Heimkapital was provided a loan of €320M to acquire assets.

        Read more on the round and what Heimkapital is up to!

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